Our Vision

Empowering future innovators.


Our organization is focused to create leaders, skilled in the arts of critical thinking, problem solving, and forward looking; instilled with a sense of ownership, leadership, teamwork, and confidence; and, with the ability to achieve their maximum potential in life. 

To develop student skills in key areas of marketing, project management and engineering skills.

To engage youth into the fun learning of STEM so that it can help build their career path.
To expand networking opportunities for students with community leaders and businesses in the community.


  • Robotics competitions are unique sporting events designed to help students discover their interest in STEM and the rewards of engineering and science

  • Student engagement in Robotics goes beyond learning the engineering principles, to include business principles: marketing, finance, business plans, presentation skills, project management and time management

Students working on robots at the 2016 VEX Robotics World Championship